Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kicking 4 Celiac

Happy 2012 everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season with lots of sans gluten treats. I thought a great way to kick off 2012 would be to fill you in on an amazing organization, Kicking 4 Celiac, that combines Celiac awareness and physical activity. I was lucky enough to chat with Craig Pinto, founder of Kicking 4 Celiac and learn about what inspires him.

Hopefully I'll see some of you at their upcoming events....

What inspired you to create Kicking 4 Celiac?

When I started playing arena football I really wanted to use it as a platform to raise awareness and education for Celiac Disease. Late 2010 I had the opportunity to do an event with Guinness World Records and the response that was received from the Celiac Disease community really made me feel like I was doing the right thing, and to pursue it even further. The foundation really got its roots from that event.

As an athlete living with Celiac disease did you find that your performance improved once you eliminated gluten from your diet?

It took a little while to get the right diet together, so that I was able to sustain energy and also be strong enough for competition, but I do feel like it helped me overall. I also have Crohn’s Disease, so eating gluten-free and being aware of what I ate helped me stay on top of my game.

Do you think that Celiac awareness has increased in the athletic community since you have been diagnosed?

I think as a whole it has increased, but as far as the athletic community I wouldn’t be too sure. I have not heard many athletes having Celiac Disease, though I have heard of athletes feeling better on a gluten-free diet.

What do you think about the current trend of professional athletes removing gluten from their diet even if they haven’t been diagnosed with Celiac disease?

I think if it works for them, to continue on that path. The only thing I usually stress is that when you don’t have Celiac Disease and it is not a necessary diet for daily health, to make sure you will be putting back in your body the nutrients you will be deficient in when eating gluten-free. At times it gets too glorified as just a diet, and not enough goes into what it causes your body to lack.

What are some of your favorite gluten free ways to refuel before and after exercise?

I usually eat pretty basic before exercising, bananas, yogurts. Afterwards I will have eggs, turkey, and a protein shake or bar. Throughout the day is important as well for an evening workout, and I will usually eat grilled chicken salad, and quinoa pasta (my favorite) in the evening.

What is a typical day like at Kicking 4 Celiac?

I’m usually in the office early and getting right to reaching out to different areas that we may be looking to expand and work with. We will also pitch around different out-of-the-box ideas on new fundraisers and activities to bring to certain areas as well. It is a great office environment, I love doing what I do everyday and hope to continue to expand for a long time.

For more information about Kicking 4 Celiac check out

Thanks Craig!!!